We have been on our adoption journey for nearly two years now...One year, eleven months, two weeks and two days to be exact. Well, since we turned in our initial application, much longer if you count the months of prayer and research prior to that.
It has been several months since I have updated our WONDERFUL adoption journey. So here we go with the latest update!!!!
I am going to start in April 2013 which is the last time I updated this blog.

In May - Continued working on our paperwork for our homestudy update which including all our doctors appointments and new forms.
In June - We were so excited for June updates and I think I called Shana and Jessica (from Holt) at least 2-3 times a week to see if referrals came. Every week there were different reason for delays - training in Thailand, new employees coming on board, vacations of social workers in Thailand.....Every week seemed like another reason for delays....Then messages from Holt were they are expecting the June referrals to push into July...REALLY??? - June referrals in July - UGGG...
In July - I sent all documents for our homestudy update to Karen (LSS social worker) and we had our home visit on a Monday morning before going into work. Our current I-800 (Immigration paperwork) expires at the end of August. (It is only good for 18 months) I was so excited to show Karen our little girls bedroom, her closet already full of clothes and the new playroom we have for her and Joshua - which includes a kitchen and doll house. In July, I also finished the initial photo album to send to our baby girl. On July 18th, I finally received information from Jessica on the "referral packet" that was coming to Holt from Thailand. She said the package would be in Holt's hands early the next week and families would be contacted after their in house reviews which usually take 2-3 days. So by the end week - Lisa was not a very patient person.
I finally got word.......officially.......on Monday that Holt had received 4 referrals last week and 3 families are currently reviewing their files. (One was a sibling group)......and we were not one of the families...
I have to admit I was sad, I cried, I was even a little mad and somewhat discouraged.
Why does this have to take so long???
Where is my little girl??
Why were we not one of the families??
When will our time come??
Why me??
I know God is calling us and Thailand was one of the ONLY countries we qualified for (even waiting child lists - too old, not married long enough and travel restrictions).
Although, there are now at LEAST 4 new orphans in this world that have moms and dads to call them their own. I am happy for these families and can't wait to see pictures and hear about these beautiful children.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
I know that is true.... I love God, I have Faith and I know my baby girl is out there somewhere waiting for us. She is just not ready to come home yet. I wait and wait and the best is yet to come. I know she is worth the wait!!!
God's answer to us "Wait and I will give you the best"
So here I am waiting "as patiently as I can" for September referrals to come in.....
Maybe the next blog post will have a picture of the newest member of the Levi family.....
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalms 40:1