November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving has come and gone

Thanksgiving has come and gone... We have so much to be thankful for and two of them are here with us now.  Our little girl will be joing the family soon. and I can't wait to hold her in my arms.

A lot has happened in the past month.  We have completed most requirements for our homestudy.  Both Chris and I had our homestudy interviews.  We have sent off child abuse clearances for every state/country we have lived in since we were 18.  I think there were 11 places between the two of us - being that both of us were in the military, we moved around a lot.  As of last week Karen was still waiting for some clearance letters from Guam and Colorado, but I believe all the other ones have came through.

Clearance Letters
Of course every state had a different process for this request.  For example, some states required $$$ (I think Colorado was the most expensive at $30) a few states were actually free.  Some states required notorized forms, some just signatures.  Some states required our address when we lived there (I hope the military unit we were assigned to was good enough for when we lived in barracks), while others we just a simple name and SSN.  Of course nothing could be standardized.    

The final homestudy visit is scheduled for this coming Saturday, December 4th.  I think Christopher is ready for his interview.

The next stage in the process will be to finish up the dossier and immigration paperwork.

... I wanna give her the world, I wanna hold her hand..... I wanna show her what it means to be loved...
